umair haque, you write a lot of good and interesting stuff, and there’s truth in what you say, but you seem to do what liberals are so fond of doing, latching on to a word that is designed to make people feel bad like “concentration camp” and using that to justify your beliefs that Americans are cowards. But I have a question, I would like to know other countries have open borders, where someone from a poorer country is allowed to wander into a richer country? I see lots of potential problems with this. One, someone who is in a country illegally, can’t get a drivers license; can’t get a legal job, and as such they are more likely to end up doing illegal work. Maybe cleaning houses and getting paid under the table, but perhaps also dealing drugs. Yes, many people are living in fear, but not just middle-class Americans. Illegal immigrants also live in fear of the authorities. Even “wealthy” people live in fear, because you can be making $150K and still be a few paychecks away from losing your house, your car, and your life. The question is: how to reform the system, how to reform our society, culture, and communities, so that so many of us are not living in fear. I would love to hear your suggestions and ideas around this.